Tatyana Binovska, Ukraine

I’m Tatyana Binovska, I was born in Ukraine. 

I am full time Artist all my life. I exhibited all around the world and have lots of exhibitions. My paintings are in private and museum collections.

I have a wonderful family, recently we celebrated 39 years of our meeting with my husband. 10 years ago I moved to South Africa, where one of my daughters got married. Now we have 5 grandchildren- 2 live with us in Cape Town, three in Odessa, Ukraine. And I now have two houses on different continents. 

I really love traveling and this is something that I can not stop. I was fortunate enough to make many tours around the African continent, and recently, after Ukraine gained independence, and Ukrainians have biometric passports, I began to do tours around Europe. 

Since I'm on the road all the time, I do not get any pets. I prefer to watch them in the wild. I consider myself an absolutely happy person and now the moment has come in my life when all desires are fulfilled. 

Since I like traveling not in the form of fleeting tours, I thought that it would be good to visit new places and stay there for a while, in order to delve into the life and nature of the new place. 

In 2016, I was lucky enough to become the winner of the Redbubble Art Residents program and live in Australia for 6 months. It was wonderful, I got acquainted with the amazing animal world and nature of this amazing continent. 

Thanks to this trip, I realized that the best thing for me is participation in art residences. 

Best Wishes, Oil on Canvas
Scarf 90x90cm  |  $ 105,00

Night Dreams, Oil and watercolor on Canvas
Scarf 90x90cm  |  $ 105,00 

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